7 Common Questions Customers Ask a Commercial HVAC Company

Introducing HVAC systems and technology into a commercial space can be intimidating. Knowing which system to select, how to maintain it, and how to get the best performance from it is important for any business owner or property manager looking to keep their building comfortable, healthy, and safe. When it comes to questions about HVAC systems, customers often turn to a trusted commercial HVAC companies and distributors for their answers.

As an HVAC business, you are likely to experience a lot of questions from commercial customers. Therefore, it’s important to be ready for these questions so that you can answer them in a timely and accurate manner.

What Are the Common Questions Customers Ask?

When interacting with commercial customers, it’s vital to remain professional and provide the best customer service possible. Here are the seven most common questions you can expect from commercial customers as an HVAC business.

1. What services do you offer?

When a commercial customer comes to you for HVAC services, the initial question on their mind will likely be about your range of offerings. Do you only install systems? Or can they count on you to provide maintenance, service and potential repair solutions as well? HVAC distribution experts at Gustave A. Larson suggest you ensure that your customers know all that is possible by providing them with an in-depth list of available options. Commercial customers prefer a one-stop shop for their needs, so they don’t have to coordinate with multiple vendors. That’s why many choose a company that offers all the services they need in one place.

2. What brands do you install and repair?

When it comes to quality, commercial customers want the best. They will likely be interested in knowing which brands you work with so that they can make sure their system is receiving the best care possible. Make sure to provide your customers with a list of brands you install and repair so they can make an informed decision.

3. What is your experience?

Commercial customers will also likely be interested in the experience you bring to their HVAC needs. Make sure you have an updated portfolio of past projects and a list of satisfied customers who are willing to provide references. This will ensure that your customers know they can trust you with their HVAC needs.

The Importance of Commercial HVAC Maintenance

4. How long have you been in business?

Your potential customers will also want to know how long your HVAC business has been around. They may not want to invest in a business that could disappear after the project is complete. Show them your company’s longevity by providing information on when you started and how much experience you have.

5. How do you ensure quality?

Commercial customers won’t be satisfied with anything but the highest level of quality. Make sure they know how you ensure quality by providing them with a list of the steps your team takes to make sure every job is done right and with the best materials available.

6. What is your pricing structure?

Cost is always an important factor for commercial customers, so they will want to know upfront what your pricing structure is. Be sure to provide them with a clear and concise explanation of how you charge for each service so that there is no misunderstanding about the cost.

7. What certifications do you have?

Commercial customers will also want to inquire about the certifications you have and how they ensure that your work meets industry standards. Make sure to provide them with a list of your credentials and how they benefit customers. This way,  they can make sure they are getting the most value for their money when they hire your HVAC business.


No matter what type of commercial customer you encounter, these seven questions will likely come up. Make sure you are prepared to answer them so that your customers can be sure that you are the right HVAC business for them. With a little preparation, you’ll ensure that your commercial customers get the quality service they deserve.
