How not to losein a Rummy Game?

If you have decided to play rummy, then you must be quite excited, aren’t you? Interested players could easily start a rummy game on any popular online rummy portal, such as Rummy Passion. Most important of all, players don’t have to bother about complicated rules and gameplay formats in rummy. The online rummy portals offer credible support for learning about the game.

However, many players are doubtful about playing rummy because of the fear of losses. Players should understand that winning and losing are integral parts of every game. The key to success in a game of rummy lies in the understanding of how not to lose a game. Let us take a look at some essential pointers that will help you to avoid losses in a game of rummy.

Aim for the Pure Sequence 

Players should avoid the most general mistake in a rummy game if they want better chances of winning. As a matter of fact, the first priority of any player should always be the pure sequence. Completing a pure sequence first can allow players to concentrate on other possibilities.

Don’t Lose Your Focus

The next pointer for players to avoid losses is to maintain consistent levels of concentration on the game. Better attention on the opponent’s moves can help you find out basic ideas regarding the opponent’s hand. As a result, you won’t discard or retain cards that may be beneficial to opponents.

Discard High-Value Cards, But Carefully

The cardinal rule of the game is to discard high-value cards. This pointer ensures that you will have minimum points, even if your opponents achieve a ‘show’ before you. However, you have to be careful while discarding high-value cards in a rummy game. So, use your intuition and observation skills to find whether it is safe to discard a high-value card.

Choose Smart Cards over Others

Smart cards are an effective instrument to avoid losses in a game of rummy. There is no particular definition of smart cards. However, you can find smart cards according to the cards you have in hand. For example, 6 of any suit of cards can form a meld with 4 and 5 of the same suite or 7 and 8 of the same suite.

Don’t Wait for Any Card

If you are waiting for a particular card to form a sequence of the set, you are risking your game. Successful players don’t wait for opportunities. They take the available resources in a given situation and turn the situation to their favor. Waiting too long for the perfect card can take away a winning chance from your hands!

Always Arrange the Cards

Arranging the cards is one of the important factors in a rummy game that most players ignore. You should not commit this mistake if you want to avoid losses in rummy. The best practice for arranging cards is to group them according to the different suites.

Don’t Underestimate Other Players

The final yet most helpful tip for avoiding losses in rummy is to respect your opponent. Undermining the opponent’s ability is a novice mistake in rummy and can lead to losses. Therefore, it is essential to look at your opponent from a neutral perspective before proceeding with the game. As a result, you can adapt effectively to any surprises your opponents might have in store for you!


Based on the above-mentioned information, you can easily ensure that you don’t lose in rummy. The discussion provided an outline of the different mistakes that generally lead to losses in rummy. Follow them and always have the upper hand in a game of rummy!
